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22 Oct 2011

A Dialogue With Nature...

In the quaint abode of rustling leaves
Lost like a nomad in the search of more
I watch the pink blossoms droop to say hello
The streaks of golden whipped across the sky
The open field
The twin shades of the grass blades
The gushing wind
The entire nature dancing away
And when the rain pays visit
Life here swells with joy
The waves clash against the boulders
The thunder plays its radio loud and strong
And at the other end of the world the sun’s orange shimmer  drowning in the sea
Yonder  mountains is where it hides as the dusky blue looks out for it
The moon too, cloaked in enchanting white searches the fireball through out the night
The stars show up like a cluster of jewels
The fragrance of the night-blooming jasmine fills the air
Even through the dark the beauty shines and whispers tales of hope
The God’s canvas as wide as his heart
Filled with love
Moment after moment re- defining the word  beautiful
The work of art that will remain unconquered , born to live till eternity
The paradise which the common man seeks…
Is there right here..
All it takes is a dialogue with nature...

just a  little bit of my work  :) i hope i learn the art of photography some day..:) it's a delight:)