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16 May 2015

A week away from Home

Week 1
So, I thought I should go back to writing my blog but something just stopped my fingers from typing it down.
But here I am , it's almost been a year since I wrote last. Its mid may and in no time MY Bombay will be swaying to the tune of the rains , well , I hope. I can sense the smell of the first..shower, sorely miss my window seat at home and falling asleep to the instrumental music already. June ... for some uncanny reason... has always been my most favorite month is, actually not an uncanny reason. June always was and will be special. Esp 9th and 22nd. :)
Its been a good long week since uae has had me. Summers first leg has been pretty harsh already and currently at 38 degrees , I just woke up from a nap only to wonder why does all of it feel so strange. Thankfully I am on the same continent and haven't gone off to the other side of this planet. Yes , I miss home. I miss my people. I miss my lanes. I miss the hour long conversations. I miss the friends...their smiles. I miss the vibe of my city.
They say , as you go along .. you find something but in order to find that.. you lose a little bit of you. I ask , what if its the little bit of the only thing you have?
I have heard several miss yous since I am here. Been tagged in posts over fb and instagram. Been tagging people in posts over fb and instagram  and believe me you...that has kept me going for now. I await only one miss you.. and the day I hear that.. I probably will even have my first breakdown in this city.
When I came down here, I was greeted with a chunk of mess. Being the neat freak I am. I gave it a good week to settle my entire room from scratch and unpacked my excessive luggage. The stuff is now in place while I am not. Pheeeeww , its been a task! Friends who kept in touch will know :)
After all of that drama settled... last evening I accompanied my grandmother to a local market. Man that woman can..still manage and do stuff at this age.
As the sky wore its dusky purple veil..waiting to be undressed by the stars, she and I landed up at a local bird and animal market. It was a shabby sight. My heart is still not out from the pain of watching people here grab these beauties by the scruff of their neck. I wish someone did that to them too. I could sense their desperation to be out from that cage. They were away from their home and so was I... what a connect!!
Some couldn't even move properly , the cages were too small. The onlookers were so enchanted by their beauty that they wanted to trap it. How hideous!! Do the honors of putting up yourself for a sale in such an unhealthy place. Retards bloody! ... 
Well we all crave freedom. And these creatures belong in a free world. What a well played God - give them wings and then show them the cage. I wish I could set them free. I am not saying its safe out there. Its a big bad world. But how beautiful would it be to let them be where they belong. We have auto tuned ourselves to the melodramatic life ...why watch them become a part of the "put up an act" jinx that we carry. We have got birds at home too... and I haven't spoken to them since the day I came...until today evening. I broke the ice by whistles and watching them look with great curiosity. I couldn't manage further. The cage sucks. I wont deny ... I have always wanted a pet too. A pet dog per se.... but I always wanted my dog to be a helper dog. Yes... I intend him to be one.

It would be great if people could see through what these creatures are. They are us in another attire. If you love birds... love them...but set them free. Love them enough so that they can come back and you can share your heart with them. Let them carry that heart with them as they fly off. Thats the magic of life. You cant fucking cage that magic. Well I met this one...yesterday at the market. He moved I moved..blinked as I blinked... and even gave the "honey , not now. I am naked" pose...hahaha!!! 
But freedom ....where art thou ? #dubaidoobidoo

And p.s. job hunting sucks here biggg time!

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